
In todays fast paced world defined by constant evolution, leaders must enhance their thrive. Join us for a transformative webinar(s) where we delve into the essence of leadership. Discover the strategies and skills that empower you to adapt seamlessly to dynamic environments, fostering motivation, resilience and results.

Showing all 3 results

  • Change Management



    15th October 2024, 11.00am to 12.00 noon, on Zoom.


    Improve leaders and organisation outcomes by enhancing understanding of change models andĀ  theory and how to apply it. Enhance your leadership ability to:

    Design a change programs
    Oveersee implementation of change
    Adapt to continuous challenges
    Improve organisation, and team performance



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  • Staff Retention



    13th November 2024, 11.00am to 12.00 noon, on Zoom.


    Improve leaders and organisation outcomes by enhancing understanding of staff turnover and that factors that affect d it to improve staff retentionĀ  it. Enhance your leadership ability to:

    Understand the impact of staff turnover in todays market
    Know the 15 factors that drive retention
    Ways to implement improvements
    Improve organisation, and team retention statistics

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  • Emotional Leadership



    17th September 2024, 11.00am to 12.00 noon, on Zoom.


    Improve leaders and organisation outcomes by enhancing understanding of EQ leadership theory and how to apply it. Enhance your leadership ability to:

    Lead a new team or renew approach with a team

    Prepare yourself for new leadership role

    Adapt your leadership approach to improve performance

    Lead teams in a challenging environment



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